researchers, universities, laboratories
Sensegood spectrophotometer for researchers, universities, laboratories and hobbyists
Sensegood spectrophotometer is an analytical color measurement instrument that is widely accepted in the industry and research fraternity. If you are pursuing graduation or doing PhD research, even if you are a hobbyist and color science excites you, Sensegood spectrophotometer is the professional color measurement tool that you could ask for.
Sensegood spectrophotometer comprehensively evaluates the color attributes of various samples, including solids, liquids, powders and pastes. Using Sensegood spectrophotometer, one can set color tolerances and compare color between reference and sample. It gives result in percentage match. It also incorporates continuous auto measurement mode. It has provision for averaging option in normal mode as well as in auto repeat measurement mode. Sensegood spectrophotometer is the versatile device that is engineered to work as handheld/portable, benchtop/table-top or in-process/online color measurement instrument.
Sensegood spectrophotometer is equipped with various color indices such as – whiteness index, yellowness index, including many such others. It represents measured color data in terms of various color space attributes: XYZ, Yxy, CIE and Hunter L*a*b*, C*, ho, u*, v*, spectral reflectance graph, peak wavelength and color temperature. Numerical representation allows one to convey and document the color.
Sensegood spectrophotometer provides computer interface software SensegoodSmart which lets you convey numeric color data to another Sensegood spectrophotometer located anywhere across the globe. SensegoodSmart utility enables user to store unlimited number of references to the computer. Any desired reference can be recalled and downloaded to Sensegood spectrophotometer whenever required. The utility provides all color related analytical information on single screen which further can be printed or can be saved as .jpg or .pdf.
Sensegood spectrophotometer shows spectral distribution from 400nm to 700nm. However, using SensegoodSmart utility, one can avail and export spectral distribution data from 380nm to 1100nm in comma separated values (.csv file). Researchers can use this file for further analysis by using the tools like Matlab. Even the measurements taken during research tenure can be exported as measurement data files (.sego) which can be imported to SensegoodSmart utility for studying, without physical need of the instrument. Further, the instrument has infrared blocking filter attached by default which can be removed if you intend to measure in infrared wavelengths as well. However device’s infrared response may not find adequate gain in some infrared regions as the instrument’s main purpose is to measure visible spectrum.
We are constantly channelizing our efforts for providing low cost and easy to use color measurement technology to everyone. We think that the technology should not be restricted to any particular segment; rather it should be made accessible to the students, young researchers and to anyone who is interested.
In above pdf file, we have listed some of the research domains and related topics in which Sensegood spectrophotometer can assist. If you think a topic requires edit or you feel a potential research trend in your domain is not listed, let us know; we will consider updating the list.